Québec City, December 18, 2024 – The Québec Mining Association (QMA) considers that 2024 has been an eventful year for Québec’s mining industry. Changes to the legislative framework, in particular, have required attention from key players in the sector. In addition, several mining projects have reached new stages in their development, targeting both traditional minerals and those on the critical and strategic minerals (CSM).

“The year 2024 has seen several major developments for Québec’s mining industry, including significant changes to the legislative framework. However, the economic data published by the QMA and more recently by the Institut de la statistique du Québec points to a promising future. The year 2025 will see extensive regulatory changes in the wake of the passage of Bill 63 to amend the Mining Act,” says Josée Méthot, the QMA’s president and CEO.

Passage of Bill 63

During the special consultation on Bill 63 in September 2024, the QMA pointed out that less than 15% of Québec’s subsoil has been explored until now and that the potential for new discoveries remains high. Because of this, the QMA is worried to see that the government is still planning to restrict access to public land by mining companies, while hoping to establish a successful battery sector. Although the changes made to the final version of the Bill mitigate some of its harmful effects, the fact that less land is now available for mining will necessarily lead to a reduction in exploration activities and therefore to a reduction in Québec’s mineral potential.

The Bill’s positive impacts include the modernization of the process for granting exclusive exploration rights (claims), which will limit and possibly eliminate the speculation that has artificially increased the number of active claims in Québec.

A range of investments and the need to remain attractive

In 2024, Québec moved ahead in the ranking of the world’s best mining jurisdictions established by the Fraser Institute. After ranking eighth in 2023, Québec moved this year to fifth position worldwide and second in Canada, behind Saskatchewan, compared to third in 2023. However, for the criterion that reflects the certainty of environmental regulations, Québec slipped from nineteenth to thirty-second place according to the same report. The future will tell if the passage of Bill 63 affects Québec’s place in the ranking.

It is important to note that according to the latest data released by the Institut de la statistique du Québec in November, covering 2023, investment expenditure in the mining sector increased by over 19% compared to 2022, reaching a total of $5.7 billion.

Most expenditure (58%) related to repair and maintenance work and capital expenditure, while exploration and site preparation work accounted for the remaining 42%.

The QMA’s own survey of the economic benefits generated by the mining industry, also published in November, shows that between 2014 and 2022 the mining industry’s contribution to Québec’s GDP jumped by 56.8%, to reach $12 billion. This data demonstrates the industry’s growth and its contribution to the Québec economy.

Although no new mines opened in 2024, it is important to highlight that production has resumed at Sayona’s North American Lithium Complex, the only operating lithium mine in North America.

Some highlights

High-grade iron ore gains new recognition

 In January 2024, the Québec government revised its CSM list to include high-grade iron ore, and the federal government followed suit in June. The high-grade ore extracted in the Côte-Nord region will be used, among other things, to reduce the carbon footprint of the world’s steel industry.

Another record year for workplace health and safety

 As part of its health and safety seminar, the QMA presented a record number of trophies to recognize 221 foremen and supervisors in the Québec mining industry, who achieved periods of between 50,000 and 850,000 hours worked with no accidents.

49 projects currently under development in Québec

 Québec will continue to improve its position on the world stage with forty-nine mine projects at various stages of development.

Launch of the QMA’s Bienvenue dans votre sous-sol ! campaign

 Thanks to a direct style and real-life examples to present the reality of mining, the general public will be able to gain a better, fact-based understanding of the mining sector. These information clips focus on environmental management, relations with local communities and the energy transition in the mining industry.

A busy year 2025

During 2024, Québec introduced a new legislative framework, and 2025 is expected to be a crucial year for the resulting regulations that will be adopted under the Mining Act.
The regulations could have a substantial impact, and an enormous effort will have to be made to analyze the full extent of the repercussions in terms of the development of the mining industry. The QMA will work closely with the government as new regulatory texts are proposed.

“The past year has demonstrated that Québec’s mining industry is in a good situation. However, this is a balancing act that depends on the discovery of new mineral deposits and a competitive business environment. It is clear that 2025 will bring many challenges, and Québec’s mining companies will continue to focus on innovation while maintaining their world-leading approach,” Ms. Méthot concludes.

About the Québec Mining Association

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 51,334 jobs and $12 billion it contributes to Québec’s GDP. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.