Québec City, March 4, 2025 – The thirty-day exemption granted by the US government is scheduled to end today, and the Québec Mining Association (QMA) is disappointed to see that customs tariffs of between 10% and 25% will now be imposed, depending on the Canadian mineral sector products concerned.
“The situation that we feared has now become a reality and mining industry players are ready to make a major effort to work together to minimize the impact of the US tariffs, and also the counter-tariffs announced by Canada,” says Emmanuelle Toussaint, the QMA’s president and CEO.
“We have consulted our members on numerous occasions in recent weeks to document the direct and indirect impacts of the customs tariffs. We continue to work with government to identify all the alternatives and solutions able to maintain and protect Québec’s mining ecosystem, from the smallest enterprise to the largest mining corporation. However, it is clear that the multiplication of administrative formalities and the increase in the time needed to develop mining projects in Québec must be reversed. This must be a top priority for government if we want to remain competitive in the current context,” says Ms. Toussaint.
It is important to note that the Québec mining industry supports 15,500 direct and 51,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs. In addition, it is part of an impressive business ecosystem of 3,847 suppliers with a place of business in Québec, including many small and medium-sized enterprises.