The Québec Mining Association honours workers in the Côte-Nord region

Québec City, October 14, 2020 – The Québec Mining Association (QMA) has recognized the achievements of 22 mining industry foremen and supervisors in the Côte-Nord region. They all received workplace health and safety trophies to commend their efforts and the effort made by their teams to maintain a safe working environment for periods of between 50,000 and 200,000 hours.

The trophy winners for 2020 in the Côte-Nord region work for ArcelorMittal Mining Canada and Rio Tinto Fer et Titane.

They are part of a larger group of 159 foremen and supervisors working in Québec mines who were honoured by the QMA in 2020.

« Each year, the QMA rewards achievements in the field of workplace health and safety (WHS) by presenting trophies to supervisors whose teams have recorded an outstanding result, with the goal of raising awareness and encouraging workers to value the attainment of a strong WHS performance. The objective is to see WHS measures go beyond the technical stage and for all workers to take ownership of them in order to create ever-safer work environments in mines. »

« During the COVID-19 pandemic, health and safety are a shared concern. The mining industry has been able to maintain its precautions to limit the spread of the virus. There can be no doubt that the actions, measures and reflexes developed over the years allowed the mining industry to adapt quickly. We are proud of the mining industry’s focus on WHS, which is reflected in the actions of each worker. »

– Josée Méthot, President and CEO of the Québec Mining Association

About the Québec Mining Association

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 48,006 jobs and total expenditure of $9.9 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry in 2018. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.