Québec City, October 16, 2019 – The Québec Mining Association watched with pride as its members dominated the 2019 Québec job creation awards ceremony (Prix Créateurs d’emplois du Québec 2019). Three companies, Eldorado Gold’s Lamaque Mine, Québec Iron Ore, and Glencore’s Raglan Mine, were the champions in their respective region for their outstanding performance in terms of the number of jobs created or maintained.

No other industry was as richly rewarded at the third annual awards ceremony, providing further proof that the mining sector makes a genuine contribution to the economic vitality of the regions concerned. A total of 40,540 direct, indirect and induced jobs are generated or supported by Québec’s mining industry.

The award ceremony, Les Prix Créateurs d’emplois, is an initiative of Fondaction, the Corporation des parcs industriels du Québec and the Conseil du patronat du Québec, and was set up to highlight the important contribution made by job creators to the development of Québec and its regions.


“Present throughout Québec, including the major urban centres, mining sector workers are a driving force behind the creation of a prosperous Québec. Recognition from organizations outside the mining sector only adds to the pride we felt at the awards ceremony.”

“The QMA is proud to have companies such as these among its members. By providing high-quality jobs, in particular in host communities, Québec’s mines make a difference to the socio-economic vitality of all the regions.”
– Josée Méthot, QMA president and CEO

About the Québec Mining Association

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 40,540 jobs and total expenditure of $8.5 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec City, September 17, 2019 – The 55th annual workplace health and safety seminar organized by the Québec Mining Association (QMA) is taking place in Rouyn-Noranda, bringing together more than 300 managers and supervisors from Québec’s mining industry. The seminar, a key health and safety event for the mining industry, provides an opportunity to discuss best practices.

Each year, the program includes a range of talks on current issues, ensuring that participants leave the seminar with ideas about actions they can implement in their own workplace. The event also showcases the work of people who have achieved outstanding health and safety results during the year. Almost 150 prizes are presented to highlight work in the area of accident prevention.


“Workplace health and safety is a constant priority for the mining industry and for our Association. I would even say that it is a core value. This is why it is important to give our members opportunities like this to get together and discuss good practices.”

“Our objective is to ensure that workplace health and safety goes beyond the technical aspects to reach a more strategic level, more closely integrated into all areas of operation. It has to become a reflex for everyone involved, and this is the goal we are working towards.”

– Josée Méthot, QMA president and CEO

About the Québec Mining Association 

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 45, 550 jobs and total expenditure of almost $6 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec City, August 22, 2019 – The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was present at the opening of the filtering marshes, part of the Pathway to Phytotechnologies at the Montreal Botanical Garden. The QMA’s significant financial contribution to the Space for Life Foundation helped make the first station in the educational pathway a reality.

The plant technologies showcased along the Pathway are innovative green technologies that can be used to resolve environmental issues in a natural way, using the fundamental properties of certain plants. More specifically, the wetland consists of a water garden with two filtering marshes that use the purifying properties of aquatic plants and their environment to purify water.

Similar solutions have already been applied in Québec’s mining industry, for example by replanting decommissioned mining sites. The financial assistance provided by the QMA, totalling $100,000, has supported these new environmentally-friendly approaches, reflecting the mining industry’s commitment to sustainable development in Québec.

The general public can now visit the first station in the Pathway to Phytotechnologies to discover a natural, highly effective way to treat wastewater that is increasingly present in Québec’s mining industry.


“Plants are often used in the restoration of mine tailings sites, and could be used in other ways in the site rehabilitation process. This is why the partnership between the Québec Mining Association and the Space for Life Foundation was a natural step to support the creation of the Pathway to Phytotechnologies at the Montréal Botanical Garden.”

– Josée Méthot, President and CEO of the QMA

About the Québec Mining Association 

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 40,540 jobs and total expenditure of $8.5 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec City, June 26, 2019 – The Québec Mining Association (QMA) is proud to highlight the official opening of Eldorado Gold’s Lamaque Mine in Val d’Or. This is the first new gold mine to open in Québec since 2015.

Eldorado Gold is already well established in the community, and was able to integrate into the socio-economic fabric of Val-d’Or and the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region from the outset. For the QMA, the mine constitutes a good example of best practice in the development of a major industrial project.

The company’s efforts to develop the mine responsibly were quickly recognized, and in 2018 Eldorado Gold Lamaque received the QMA’s F.J. O’Connell trophy, more specifically for its workplace health and safety record. It also won an award in the “Community Engagement” category, presented by the Fédération des chambres de commerce, at the Mercuriades award ceremony in 2019.

Since the start of development on its project, Eldorado Gold Lamaque has invested $289 million, and the mine currently employs almost 400 workers.

The Québec Mining Association congratulates the entire team that made the mine opening possible, and wishes the Lamaque Mine a long and successful life.


“It is not every day that we can witness the opening of a new mine. This is a great day for the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, and also for the whole of Québec which will benefit from the major economic benefits generated by a gold mine.”

“When we realize that ten, and sometimes fifteen, years elapse between the discovery of a mineral deposit and the first day of production at the mine, we can understand the exceptional importance of a day like today.”

– Josée Méthot, QMA president and CEO

About the Québec Mining Association 

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 40,540 jobs and total expenditure of $8.5 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec, le 14 juin 2019 – L’Association minière du Québec (AMQ) est fière de présenter la composition de son nouveau conseil d’administration à la suite de sa récente assemblée générale annuelle. Ce conseil allie l’expérience au renouveau afin de préparer l’avenir de l’AMQ. Il sera dirigé pour un troisième mandat par Jean-François Verret, directeur, Projets, Géologie et Exploration de Mine Raglan, une compagnie Glencore.

Forte de la grande implication de ses membres, l’Association a su attirer des gens d’expérience sur son conseil, en plus de maintenir en poste des gens crédibles aux expertises variées.

Six nouveaux membres font leur entrée au conseil d’administration, eux qui pourront faire profiter l’Association de leurs compétences dans des domaines variés en lien avec les enjeux futurs de l’industrie minière. L’Association pourra également compter sur un comité exécutif renouvelé composé de trois femmes et deux hommes, sur lequel siège entre autres Josée Méthot, présidente-directrice générale de l’AMQ.

Composition du conseil d’administration

*Nouveaux membres
**Membre du comité exécutif

Jean-François Verret**
Président du conseil  Mine Raglan, une compagnie Glencore – Secteur autre que le fer et l’or
Vanessa Laplante**
Vice-présidente du conseil
Trésorière Canadian Malartic G.P. –  Or
Alexandre Belleau**
Secrétaire du conseil Minerai de Fer Québec – Fer
Sophie Bergeron** Newmont Goldcorp – Éléonore – Or
Marc Bédard* Glencore – Traitement de minerai ou d’affinage de métaux
Hélène Cartier* Ressources Falco – Explorateurs, projets miniers en développement et mines en processus de fermeture définitive
Nicolas Dalmau ArcelorMittal Exploitation minière Canada – Fer
Jean-Baptiste Dromer* K+S Sel Windsor – Secteurs autres que le fer et l’or
Hélène Lauzon Conseil patronal de l’environnement du Québec – Membre observatrice
Jean-Marc Lulin* Exploration Azimut – Membre observateur
Daniel Paré* Mines Agnico Eagle – Or
Jean Quenneville Rio Tinto – Fer
Patrick Sévigny Stornoway Diamond Corporation – Secteurs autres que le fer et l’or
Stéphane Ste-Croix IAMGOLD Corporation – Or
Guy Tremblay* Groupe minier CMAC-THYSSEN – Entrepreneurs miniers
Isabelle Verreault Hill+Knowlton Stratégies – Membre observatrice

L’AMQ tient également à remercier Christian Provencher (Mines Agnico Eagle), Olivier Berman (Mines Seleine, K+S Sel Windsor), Luc Guimond (Groupe minier CMAC-THYSSEN), Claude Bélanger (Fonderie Horne, une compagnie Glencore) et André Gaumond (Redevances Aurifères Osisko), administrateurs sortants, de leur implication au conseil d’administration.


« Ce nouveau conseil représente bien ce qu’est l’industrie minière québécoise : un merveilleux mélange d’expérience et de relève avec une présence féminine accrue. Nous sommes fiers d’avoir su réunir des gens de talent qui collaboreront à élaborer le prochain plan stratégique de l’AMQ afin d’assurer la pérennité des activités minières au Québec. Je tiens à remercier les membres sortants pour le travail colossal accompli au cours des dernières années. Ils peuvent être fiers de leur bilan. »

– Jean-François Verret, président du conseil d’administration de l’AMQ

« C’est avec grand enthousiasme que j’aborde ce nouveau chapitre de l’Association avec des gens expérimentés prêts à relever les défis qui se présenteront. Nous avons accompli de grandes choses dans le passé et je suis convaincue que nous saurons bâtir sur ces solides fondations. Nous continuerons de soutenir les sociétés minières actives au Québec afin que se maintienne un développement minier fort. »

– Josée Méthot, présidente-directrice générale de l’AMQ

À propos de l’Association minière du Québec

Fondée en 1936, l’Association minière du Québec (AMQ) agit à titre de porte-parole proactif des entreprises minières en production, en exploration et en transformation, des entrepreneurs miniers, des entreprises minières en développement, de même que des fournisseurs, d’institutions, d’organismes sans but lucratif et de divers partenaires du secteur minier. Fière des 40 540 emplois et des dépenses totales de 8,5 milliards de dollars que l’industrie minière a générés au Québec au cours de la dernière année, l’AMQ a pour mission de promouvoir, soutenir et développer une industrie minérale québécoise engagée, responsable et innovante.

Québec City, June 7, 2019 – At its annual convention, the Quebec Mining Association (QMA) recognized the outstanding performance of three mining companies in the field of workplace health and safety during the year and presented F.J. O’Connell trophies to highlight their achievements.

The winning companies are:

· In the “Underground mining – under 400,000 hours worked” category:
o Monarch Gold Corporation’ Beaufor Mine;

· In the “Underground mining – over 400,000 hours worked” category:
o Newmont Goldcorp’s Éléonore Mine;

· In the “Surface, transportation and primary metals processing” category:
o Graymont’s Bedford Plant.

The trophies have been awarded every year since 1966 to raise awareness among workers and supervisors of the importance of teamwork in preventing accidents in mining operations. To reward a high-performance level, the criteria for the awards take into account improvements in performance, performance compared to the industry average, and the combined accident rate based on pre-determined target values.


“Workplace health and safety is a overriding concern for the mining industry, and this is why the Quebec Mining Association has, for over 50 years, presented F.J. O’Connell trophies to highlight outstanding performance by mining companies.”

“Workplace health and safety is a strongly-anchored value. Thanks to the efforts made every day to prevent accidents, the accident rate continues to improve, making the mining industry a model to follow. Despite these enviable results, however, we cannot rest on our laurels and must continue to strive, on a daily basis, to improve working methods to ensure that Quebec’s mining industry remains a leader in the field of workplace health and safety. Workers are a priceless resource for our industry, and we must spare no effort to ensure their health and safety.”

– Josée Méthot, QMA president and CEO

About the Québec Mining Association 

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 40,540 jobs and total expenditure of $8.5 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec, le 6 mai 2019 – La 28e édition de la Semaine minière du Québec, sous le thème « L’industrie minière, la force intérieure », s’amorce au mois de mai à travers la province. Présentée par l’Association minière du Québec (AMQ), en collaboration avec l’Institut canadien des mines, de la métallurgie et du pétrole (ICM), elle se traduit par plusieurs activités réparties du 6 au 12 mai et visant un même but : faire connaître davantage l’industrie minière québécoise au public.
Les activités organisées dans le cadre de la semaine minière permettent non seulement de découvrir le monde qui entoure les mines et leurs convictions, mais aussi de constater les derniers progrès, de visiter les sites d’exploitation et d’en apprendre plus sur les métiers qui y sont reliés. 

Le public est donc invité à participer à cette semaine d’activités afin de prendre conscience du rôle primordial qu’occupe l’industrie minière au sein de l’économie québécoise autant que dans notre vie au quotidien. La programmation officielle est accessible en ligne sur le site minesqc.com.


« Par le biais de ces activités, nous souhaitons dévoiler au grand jour la vraie nature du secteur minier, qui se veut novatrice. On est loin de l’image archaïque des mineurs avec leurs pioches à la main! »

« L’industrie, qui a grandement évolué au cours des dernières années, se démarque par son avant-gardisme, son dynamisme et son engagement tant sur les plans social qu’environnemental. Nous devons être fiers des pratiques des sociétés minières au Québec, notamment pour limiter leur empreinte environnementale, et cette semaine sert justement à mettre en lumière l’importance de notre industrie et ses façons de faire. »

– Josée Méthot, présidente-directrice générale de l’AMQ

À propos de l’Association minière du Québec

Fondée en 1936, l’Association minière du Québec (AMQ) agit à titre de porte-parole proactif des entreprises minières en production, en exploration et en transformation, des entrepreneurs miniers, des entreprises minières en développement, de même que des fournisseurs, d’institutions, d’organismes sans but lucratif et de divers partenaires du secteur minier. Fière des 40 540 emplois et des dépenses totales de 8,5 milliards de dollars que l’industrie minière a générés au Québec au cours de la dernière année, l’AMQ a pour mission de promouvoir, soutenir et développer une industrie minérale québécoise engagée, responsable et innovante.

Québec City, April 30, 2019 – The Québec Mining Association is proud to announce that four of its members—Construction Kiewit, Eldorado Gold’s Lamaque Mine, Glencore’s Raglan Mine, and Agnico Eagle Mines’ Lapa Mine—were honoured at Les Mercuriades award ceremony organized by the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) and at the annual convention of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM).

Les Mercuriades

Construction Kiewit was noted for its outstanding performance, dynamic approach and ability to remain a leader, winning the coveted “Large corporation of the year” award. Kiewit was also honoured in the “Excellence in French” and “Workplace health and safety” categories. Eldorado Gold’s Lamaque Mine won the “Community involvement—large corporation” award and was a finalist in the “Contribution to economic and regional development” category. In the “Sustainable development strategy—large corporation” category, Glencore’s Raglan Mine was the winner, also ending as a finalist in the “Workplace health and safety” category.

Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum

Raglan Mine also performed well at the CIM annual convention, where it won the John T. Ryan Canada Trophy for metal mines (Québec/Maritimes), after recording the lowest injury frequency per 200,000 hours worked over the preceding year. It then won a second prize, the TSM Excellence Award for community engagement, for its Tamatumani program, presented by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC).

Last, Agnico Eagle Mines’ Lapa Mine won the prestigious John T. Ryan Canada Trophy for metal mines (national) for the lowest injury frequency per 200,000 hours worked over the preceding year.


“We are proud to have companies such as these among our members. The mining sector is already recognized for the key role it plays in the economy of Québec and its regions, but these awards show that it is also performing outstanding work in other areas, including sustainable development, by implementing innovative measures that can make a difference. More than ever before, the mining industry is showing leadership at the social, economic and environmental levels. The fact that this contribution is recognized and rewarded by the Québec business community and by mining industry peers is an honour that reflects on the industry as a whole.”

– Josée Méthot, President and CEO, QMA

About the Québec Mining Association 

The Québec Mining Association (QMA) was founded in 1936 and speaks proactively for mining companies involved in exploration, extraction and processing, mining contractors and junior mining companies, along with suppliers, institutions, non-profit organizations and other mining sector partners. It is proud of the 40,540 jobs and total expenditure of $8.5 billion generated by Québec’s mining industry over the last year. The QMA’s mission is to promote, support and proactively develop a responsible, committed and innovative mining industry in Québec.

Québec, le 9 avril 2019 – C’est sous le thème « L’entretien au cœur de notre réussite minière » que l’Association minière du Québec (AMQ) tient son colloque Entretien, à Val-d’Or. Cet événement, rassemblant une centaine de travailleurs miniers, permet de stimuler la réflexion chez chacun des participants et de leur donner des outils afin d’améliorer l’efficacité et la productivité dans les mines tout en augmentant la fiabilité des équipements.

« Nous avons fait appel à des experts pour nous partager leurs expériences sur des sujets tels que l’intégration des technologies, les meilleures pratiques de fiabilité et l’entraide entre les entreprises minières », a déclaré Josée Méthot, présidente-directrice générale de l’AMQ. « Il est important pour l’Association minière du Québec d’offrir à ses membres des occasions comme celle-ci de se réunir et de faire circuler l’information. Il y a toujours moyen de perfectionner nos façons de faire et les conférenciers de la journée permettent de nous inspirer dans nos pratiques en entretien, afin d’assurer des environnements de travail toujours plus performants », poursuit Mme Méthot.

Ce colloque est aussi l’occasion de stimuler les échanges entre les participants et les fournisseurs de l’industrie minière. Quinze exposants sont d’ailleurs sur place afin de présenter aux participants leurs différents produits et services en matière d’entretien dans les mines.

À propos de l’Association minière du Québec

Fondée en 1936, l’Association minière du Québec (AMQ) agit à titre de porte-parole proactif des entreprises minières en production, en exploration et en transformation, des entrepreneurs miniers, des entreprises minières en développement, de même que des fournisseurs, d’institutions, d’organismes sans but lucratif et de divers partenaires du secteur minier. Fière des 40 540 emplois et des dépenses totales de 8,5 milliards de dollars que l’industrie minière a générés au Québec au cours de la dernière année, l’AMQ a pour mission de promouvoir, soutenir et développer une industrie minérale québécoise engagée, responsable et innovante.